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# Introduction
It was the late 90's and I was just a kid visiting my Aunt and Uncle and their family in Denver. The days were packed with endless playing and goofing around. I didn't get to see my cousins much and we were having a good time. But it was the late 90's and the Internet was booming. And my cousin was in on it.
A "startup", that's what he called it. I didn't understand any of what he was saying about it. Grown-up stuff. Then he showed us the webpage for the startup and I thought that was impressive.
"How did you make that"? I asked him. I think he was a little confused at first about what I was even talking about but he quickly brought me over to the computer and showed me a screen full of text.
"You just type HTML, that's how you make the webpage." I thought this was the coolest.
"What do you type that into? What program is it? Can I do that?" He told me it was easy: just use Notepad. I wasn't going to let him go without some hook I could grab into this alien world. He told me it's really easy to learn: do an AOL search for "HTML tutorial".
So began my journey with web development. I AOL searched my way through as many blinking text tutorials as I could find. It wasn't long until I was building AJAX. We had IE 5.5 and 6 and Mozilla Pheonix. And GMail came out. That changed things, now web apps were "legitimate."
A lot of the technologies and libraries came and went over the years but one thing remained constant in large web apps: poor performance. From the very early days I was timing things with my stop watch. Sometimes things were slow and I had to understand why and how to fix them. Over the years I learned all about the browser's DOM and its APIs and how they work. I learned how jQuery worked and backbone.js and all the rest. I made apps that didn't lag or have jank.
I was able to do this because I understood the performance implications of the tools and libraries I was using and I learned how to measure performance. I had discovered the recipe for high-performance code.
And that is what this book is: a recipe for producing high-performance React applications. First, we learn how React works. Then we learn how to measure performance. And last we learn how to address the bottlenecks we find. Parts of any technical book will go stale as technology changes and that is no less true for this book. But what I hope you learn is not just the technical details but more importantly the method for writing high-performance code. The API might change but the method will remain the same.
TODO note that the book references React-DOM but the algorithms should generally apply to all React implementations.