Setting caption?

Thomas Hintz 5 years ago
parent 2a0609052f
commit d33124c6d2

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ children.
| props | 'class', 'type', 'disabled' |
| children | <h1>, <input>, Hello |
#+BEGIN_SRC :number-lines nil
tag name: 'div'
tag prop: 'class'
children: h1..., 'Hello', input...
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ and then loop through the current props, setting them accordingly. Of
course we filter out the ~children~ prop since we use that elsewhere
and it isn't intended to be set directly.
#+NAME: Setting DOM Props
#+CAPTION: Setting DOM Props
#+BEGIN_SRC javascript
function setDOMProps(element, domElement, prevElement) {
if (prevElement) {

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ I see three parts: the name of the tag, the tag's properties, and its children.
| props | 'class', 'type', 'disabled' |
| children | <h1>, <input>, Hello |
{format: ":number-lines"}
tag name: 'div'
tag prop: 'class'
@ -311,7 +312,7 @@ function createDOMElement(element) {
To set the props on an element we first clear all the existing props and then loop through the current props, setting them accordingly. Of course we filter out the `children` prop since we use that elsewhere and it isn't intended to be set directly.
{format: "javascript", id: "Setting DOM Props"}
{format: "javascript", caption: "Setting DOM Props"}
function setDOMProps(element, domElement, prevElement) {
if (prevElement) {
