@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
(next-year-rules initform: '() accessor: player-next-year-rules)
(color initform: #f accessor: player-color)
(name initform: "PLAYER X" accessor: player-name)
(user-id initform: #f accessor: player-user-id)
(user-id initform: -1 accessor: player-user-id)
(trade initform: '() accessor: player-trade)
(last-updated initform: 0 accessor: player-last-updated)
(last-cash initform: 5000 accessor: player-last-cash)
@ -202,7 +202,8 @@
(last-cash . ,(player-cash player))
(hay-doubled . ,(player-hay-doubled player))
(corn-doubled . ,(player-corn-doubled player))
(stats . ,(player-stats player))))
(stats . ,(player-stats player))
(ai . ,(ai-player? player))))
(define (game->sexp g)
`((id . ,(game-id g))
@ -317,7 +318,7 @@
(set! *app* (sexp->app (read))))))
(define (sexp->player x)
(let ((p (apply make <player>
(let ((p (apply make (if (alist-ref 'ai x) <ai> <player>)
'farmers-fates (let ((ffs (alist-ref 'farmers-fates x)))
(filter (lambda (card)
@ -422,7 +423,7 @@
(define (add-ai-to-game game color name)
(let ((player (make <ai>
'cash 10000
'cash (game-setting 'starting-cash game)
'display-cash (game-setting 'starting-cash game)
'debt (game-setting 'starting-debt game)
'color color
@ -555,6 +556,7 @@
(state . ,(symbol->string (player-state p)))
(cards . ,(list->vector (append (player-farmers-fates p)
(player-otbs p))))
(revealedCards . ,(list->vector (player-revealed-cards p)))
(color . ,(symbol->string (player-color p)))
(name . ,(player-name p))
(user-id . ,(player-user-id p))
@ -1044,6 +1046,10 @@
(let ((db-game (sexp->game (db-fetch-game id))))
(push! db-game (app-games *app*))
(for-each (lambda (p)
(when (ai-player? p)
(thread-start! (make-ai-push-receiver db-game p))))
(game-players db-game))
(define (next-roll last-roll)
@ -1261,9 +1267,13 @@
((and (string=? type "next-action")
(ai-player? (game-current-player game)))
(print "ai next action trigger")
(print (player-name (game-current-player game)))
(message-players! game player '() type: "ai-next-action")
(create-ws-response player "update" `()))
((and (string=? type "buy-uncle-bert")
(ai-player? (game-current-player game)))
(print "ai uncle bert trigger")
(message-players! game player '() type: "ai-uncle-bert")
(create-ws-response player "update" `()))
((string=? type "end-ai-turn")
(message-players! game player '() type: "end-ai-turn")
(create-ws-response player "update" `()))
@ -1469,6 +1479,21 @@
(set-startup-otbs game player (alist-ref 'starting-otbs (game-settings game)))
(message-players! game player '() type: "update")
(create-start-response "new-game-started")))
((string=? type "add-ai-player")
(let* ((user (fetch-user-by-id (session-ref (sid) 'user-id)))
(name (conc "AI Player "
(+ 1 (length (filter ai-player? (game-players game))))))
(game (*game*))
(color (car (game-colors game)))
(player (add-ai-to-game game
(safe-set! (game-colors game) (filter (cut neq? <> color) (game-colors game)))
(set-startup-otbs game player (alist-ref 'starting-otbs (game-settings game)))
(safe-set! (player-ready-to-start player) #t)
(thread-start! (make-ai-push-receiver game player))
(message-players! game player '() type: "update")
(create-ws-response (*player*) "update" '())))
((string=? type "join-as-existing")
(let* ((id (or (alist-ref 'gameId msg)
(session-ref (sid) 'game-id)))
@ -1547,6 +1572,79 @@
(message-players! (*game*) (*player*) '() type: "update")
(create-ws-response (*player*) "update" '()))))
(define (round-down-1000 val)
(- val (remainder val 1000)))
(define (ai-buy player game)
(print "ai attempting to buy")
(let ((room (+ (- (game-setting 'max-debt game) (player-debt player)) (round-down-1000 (player-cash player))))
(crops (map (lambda (card)
(string->symbol (alist-ref 'crop card)))
(player-otbs player))))
(print (conc "room: " room))
(print (conc "crops: " crops))
(let ((to-buy
(cond ((and (member 'cows crops) (>= room 5000))
'(cows 10 5000))
((and (member 'fruit crops) (>= room 25000))
'(fruit 5 25000))
((and (member 'grain crops) (>= room 20000))
'(grain 10 20000))
((and (member 'hay crops) (>= room 20000))
'(hay 10 20000))
((and (member 'harvester crops) (>= room 10000)
(= (player-asset 'harvester player) 0))
'(harvester 1 10000))
((and (member 'tractor crops) (>= room 10000)
(= (player-asset 'tractor player) 0))
'(tractor 1 10000))
((and (member 'ridge4 crops) (>= room 50000)
(not (find (lambda (p)
(> (player-asset 'ridge4 p) 0))
(game-players game))))
'(ridge4 50 50000))
((and (member 'ridge3 crops) (>= room 40000)
(not (find (lambda (p)
(> (player-asset 'ridge3 p) 0))
(game-players game))))
'(ridge3 40 40000))
((and (member 'ridge2 crops) (>= room 30000)
(not (find (lambda (p)
(> (player-asset 'ridge2 p) 0))
(game-players game))))
'(ridge2 30 30000))
((and (member 'ridge1 crops) (>= room 20000)
(not (find (lambda (p)
(> (player-asset 'ridge1 p) 0))
(game-players game))))
'(ridge1 20 20000))
(else #f))))
(print "to buy: " to-buy)
(if to-buy
(print (conc "buying crop: " (first to-buy)))
(if (eq? (buy-crop (normalize-crop (first to-buy))
(first to-buy)
(second to-buy)
(min (third to-buy) (round-down-1000 (player-cash player)))
(let ((id (alist-ref 'id
(find (lambda (c) (equal? (alist-ref 'crop c) (symbol->string (first to-buy))))
(player-otbs player)))))
(safe-set! (game-otbs game)
(append (game-otbs game)
(filter (lambda (x) (= id (alist-ref 'id x)))
(player-otbs player))))
(safe-set! (player-otbs player)
(filter (lambda (x) (not (= id (alist-ref 'id x))))
(player-otbs player)))
(define (process-ai-push-message player game msg)
(print (player-name player))
(print msg)
@ -1555,47 +1653,55 @@
(if (and (eq? (player-state player) 'pre-turn)
(not (ai-processing-turn player)))
(begin (set! (ai-processing-turn player) #t)
;; time to buy
(when (and (>= (player-space player) 9) (<= (player-space player) 14))
(let loop ((cont (ai-buy player game)))
(when cont (loop (ai-buy player game)))))
(let ((res (process-message player game "roll" '((type . "roll")))))
(print "rolled a " (alist-ref 'value res))
;; (process-message player game "next-action" '((type . "next-action")))
;; (let loop ((msg (process-message player game "next-action" '((type . "next-action")))))
;; (if (alist-ref 'action msg)
;; (loop (process-message player game "next-action" '((type . "next-action"))))
;; (print "done with actions")))
(print "rolled a " (alist-ref 'value res))))))
(print "ai auto-skip")
;; (when (ai-processing-turn player)
;; (process-message player game "next-action" '((type . "next-action"))))
(print "ai auto-skip"))
(print "ai-next-action")
(when (ai-processing-turn player)
(let ((res (process-message player game "next-action" '((type . "next-action")))))
(display "res: ")
(write res)
;; (print "res1: " (eq? (alist-ref 'event res) 'action))
;; (print "res2: " (not (alist-ref 'action res)))
;; (print "res3: " (and (eq? (alist-ref 'event res) 'action)
;; (not (alist-ref 'action res))))
;; (when (and (string=? (alist-ref 'event res) "action")
;; (not (alist-ref 'action res)))
;; (print "ending turn")
;; (thread-sleep! 0.5)
;; (set! (ai-processing-turn player) #f)
;; (process-message player game "turn-ended" '()))
;; (display "res: ")
;; (write res)
;; (newline)
(print "ai-uncle-bert")
(when (ai-processing-turn player)
(safe-set! (player-debt player) (+ (player-debt player) 10000))
(safe-set! (player-assets player)
(alist-update 'hay (+ (alist-ref 'hay (player-assets player)) 10)
(player-assets player)))))
(if (eq? (player-state player) 'pre-turn)
(process-ai-push-message player game '((type . "update"))) ;; restarting at AI player's turn
(when (ai-processing-turn player)
(when (< (player-cash player) 0)
(print "taking out loan")
(process-message player game "loan" `((amount . ,(/ (+ (abs (player-cash player))
(remainder (abs (player-cash player)) 1000))
(when (>= (player-cash player) 1000)
(print "repaying loan")
(process-message player game "loan" `((amount . ,(* (/ (- (player-cash player)
(remainder (player-cash player) 1000))
(print "ending turn")
(thread-sleep! 0.5)
;; (thread-sleep! 0.5)
(set! (ai-processing-turn player) #f)
(process-message player game "turn-ended" '())
(define (make-ai-push-receiver game player)
(lambda ()
(*game* game)
(*player* player)
(let loop ((msg (mailbox-receive! (player-mailbox player))))
(process-ai-push-message player game msg)
(loop (mailbox-receive! (player-mailbox player))))))