@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { faUser, faUsers, faTractor, faWindowRestore,
faDollarSign, faTimes, faAsterisk, faExchangeAlt,
faInfoCircle, faArrowUp, faAward } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
faInfoCircle, faArrowUp, faArrowDown, faAward,
faTimesCircle } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
import { GroupBox, Row, Col, Button } from '../widgets.jsx'
import SpaceNode from './SpaceNode.jsx'
@ -40,7 +41,8 @@ import Tractor from '../tractor/Tractor.jsx'
import { GAME_STATES, ALERTS } from '../../constants.js'
import { itemCard, itemCardShort, fateCard, ridgeNames } from 'game.js'
import { setSelectedCard, setMessagePanelSpace, setMPDims, movePlayer,
nextUIAction, alert, alertHandled, setCardError } from './actions.js'
nextUIAction, alert, alertHandled, setCardError,
setMovingSkip } from './actions.js'
import { buy, roll, endTurn, loan, trade, submitTradeAccept,
submitTradeDeny, submitTradeCancel, audit,
buyUncleBert, skip } from './interface.js'
@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ class ResourceUnit extends React.Component {
render () {
const hslString = 'hsl(' + this.props.h + ', ' + this.props.s;
return (
<div className='resource-unit'
<div className={'resource-unit ' + (this.props.className ? this.props.className : '')}
title={this.props.amount + ' ' + this.props.label}
style={{backgroundColor: hslString + '%, 85%)',
borderTop: '3px solid ' + hslString + '%, 55%)'}}>
@ -448,6 +450,363 @@ class TradeContainer extends React.Component {
const findPlayer = (game, name) => {
const ret = game.otherPlayers.find(p => p.player.name === name) || false;
return ret ? ret.player : ret;
const playerRidgeCows = player => {
return Object.values(player.ridges).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
const makeDefaultToTrade = () => {
return { hay: 0,
grain: 0,
fruit: 0,
cows: 0,
harvester: 0,
tractor: 0,
money: 0,
ridge1: false,
ridge2: false,
ridge3: false,
ridge4: false,
cards: ''
class TradeContainer2 extends React.Component {
resources = [{ img: HayImg,
h: '120',
s: '100',
label: 'acres of Hay',
key: 'hay',
amount: 10
}, {
img: WheatImg,
h: '41',
s: '100',
label: 'acres of Grain',
key: 'grain',
amount: 10
}, {
img: FruitImg,
h: '0',
s: '100',
label: 'acres of Fruit',
key: 'fruit',
amount: 5
}, {
img: CowImg,
h: '0',
s: '59',
label: 'head of Cows',
key: 'cows',
amount: 10
}, {
img: HarvesterImg,
h: '240',
s: '100',
label: 'Harvesters',
key: 'harvester',
amount: 1
}, {
img: TractorImg,
h: '240',
s: '100',
label: 'Tractors',
key: 'tractor',
amount: 1
}, {
icon: faDollarSign,
h: '100',
s: '83',
label: 'Cash',
key: 'money',
amount: 1
state = {
otherPlayer: findPlayer(this.props.game, this.props.game.otherPlayers.length > 0 ? this.props.game.otherPlayers[0].player.name : ''),
toTrade: makeDefaultToTrade()
selectPlayer = e => {
this.setState({ otherPlayer: findPlayer(this.props.game, e.target.value) });
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (!this.state.otherPlayer &&
prevProps.game.otherPlayers.length !== this.props.game.otherPlayers.length) {
this.setState({ otherPlayer: findPlayer(this.props.game,
this.props.game.otherPlayers.length > 0 ? this.props.game.otherPlayers[0].player.name : '') });
} else if (this.state.otherPlayer && this.state.otherPlayer !== findPlayer(this.props.game, this.state.otherPlayer.name)) {
this.setState({ otherPlayer: findPlayer(this.props.game, this.state.otherPlayer.name) });
if (prevProps.player.trade.originator && !this.props.player.trade.originator) {
this.setState({ otherPlayer: findPlayer(this.props.game,
this.props.game.otherPlayers.length > 0 ? this.props.game.otherPlayers[0].player.name : ''),
toTrade: makeDefaultToTrade()
} else if (prevProps.player.trade.originator !== this.props.player.trade.originator) {
const isOriginator = this.props.player.trade.originator === this.props.player.name;
let tradeObj = {};
if (!isOriginator) {
Object.keys(this.props.player.trade).forEach(key => {
const value = this.props.player.trade[key];
switch (typeof value) {
case 'number':
tradeObj[key] = value * -1;
case 'boolean':
tradeObj[key] = value;
tradeObj[key] = value;
} else {
tradeObj = this.props.player.trade;
toTrade: {
money: tradeObj.money ? tradeObj.money / 1000 : 0
otherPlayer: findPlayer(this.props.game, isOriginator ?
this.props.player.trade.player : this.props.player.trade.originator)
tradeClass(amount) {
if (amount > 0) {
return 'trade-to';
} else if (amount < 0) {
return 'trade-from';
} else {
return '';
tradeAsset = (asset, amount, verbatim) => {
this.setState(state => {
return {
toTrade: {
[asset]: (typeof amount === 'number') && !verbatim ? (state.toTrade[asset] + amount) : amount
propose = () => {
trade({ ...this.state.toTrade,
money: this.state.toTrade.money * 1000,
player: this.state.otherPlayer.name
render() {
const player = this.props.player,
otherPlayer = this.state.otherPlayer,
toTrade = this.state.toTrade,
tradeProposed = !!player.trade.originator;
return (
<GroupBox title='Trade'>
<Col width="12">
<div className="trade-player-container">
{Object.keys(player.ridges).map((ridge, idx) => (
<Fragment key={'player-trade' + ridge}>
{!tradeProposed && (player.ridges[ridge] > 0) && !toTrade[ridge] ? (
<Button className="tiny"
onClick={() => this.tradeAsset(ridge, player.ridges[ridge], true)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowDown} /> {ridgeNames[idx]} {'('}{player.ridges[ridge]} cows{')'}
) : (<></>)}
{' '}
<div className='resource-unit-container'>
{this.resources.map((o, i) => {
let amount = o.key === 'money' ? Math.floor(player.cash / 1000) : player.assets[o.key];
if (o.key === 'cows') { amount = player.assets.cows - playerRidgeCows(player); }
return (
<ResourceUnit img={o.img ? o.img : false} h={o.h} s={o.s} label={o.label}
className={o.key === 'money' ? 'double-width' : false}
amount={amount + Math.min(0, toTrade[o.key])}
{o.icon ? (
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={o.icon} />(K)
<br />
) : ''}
{amount + Math.min(0, toTrade[o.key])}
{o.icon ? (<br />) : ''}
{!tradeProposed && ((amount + Math.min(0, toTrade[o.key])) > 0 || toTrade[o.key] > 0) ? (
<Button className="tiny"
onClick={() => this.tradeAsset(o.key, o.amount * -1)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowDown} />
{o.key === 'money' && (amount + Math.min(0, toTrade[o.key])) >= 10 ? (
<Button className="tiny"
onClick={() => this.tradeAsset(o.key, o.amount * -10)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowDown} />
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowDown} />
) : ''}
) : (<></>)}
<Col width="12">
{Object.keys(otherPlayer ? otherPlayer.ridges : []).map((ridge, idx) => (
<Fragment key={'to-trade' + ridge}>
{(otherPlayer.ridges[ridge] > 0) && toTrade[ridge] ? (
<Button className="tiny"
onClick={() => this.tradeAsset(ridge, false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowDown} /> {ridgeNames[idx]} {'('}{otherPlayer.ridges[ridge]} cows{')'}
) : (<></>)}
{' '}
<Col width="12">
<div className='resource-unit-container resources-to-trade'>
{this.resources.map((o, i) => (
<ResourceUnit h={o.h} s={o.s} label={o.label}
className={(this.tradeClass(toTrade[o.key])) + (o.key === 'money' ? ' double-width' : '')}
<Col width="12">
{Object.keys(player.ridges).map((ridge, idx) => (
<Fragment key={'to-trade' + ridge}>
{(player.ridges[ridge] > 0) && toTrade[ridge] ? (
<Button className="tiny"
onClick={() => this.tradeAsset(ridge, false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowUp} /> {ridgeNames[idx]} {'('}{player.ridges[ridge]} cows{')'}
) : (<></>)}
{' '}
<Col width="12">
<div className="trade-player-container">
{otherPlayer ? (
<div className='resource-unit-container'>
{this.resources.map((o, i) => {
let amount = o.key === 'money' ? 99 : otherPlayer.assets[o.key];
if (o.key === 'cows') { amount = otherPlayer.assets.cows - playerRidgeCows(otherPlayer); }
return (
<ResourceUnit img={o.img ? o.img : false} h={o.h} s={o.s} label={o.label}
className={o.key === 'money' ? 'double-width' : false}
amount={amount - Math.max(0, toTrade[o.key])}
{o.icon ? (
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={o.icon} />(K)
<br />
) : ''}
{amount - Math.max(0, toTrade[o.key])}
{o.icon ? (<br />) : ''}
{!tradeProposed && ((amount - Math.max(0, toTrade[o.key])) > 0 || toTrade[o.key] < 0) ? (
<Button className="tiny"
onClick={() => this.tradeAsset(o.key, o.amount)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowUp} />
{o.key === 'money' && (amount - Math.min(0, toTrade[o.key])) >= 10 ? (
<Button className="tiny"
onClick={() => this.tradeAsset(o.key, o.amount * 10)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowUp} />
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowUp} />
) : ''}
) : (<></>)}
) : (<></>)}
{Object.keys(otherPlayer ? otherPlayer.ridges : []).map((ridge, idx) => (
<Fragment key={'other-player-trade' + ridge}>
{!tradeProposed && ((otherPlayer.ridges[ridge] > 0) && !toTrade[ridge]) ? (
<Button className="tiny"
onClick={() => this.tradeAsset(ridge, otherPlayer.ridges[ridge], verbatim)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowUp} /> {ridgeNames[idx]} {'('}{otherPlayer.ridges[ridge]} cows{')'}
) : (<></>)}
{' '}
<select onChange={this.selectPlayer}>
{this.props.game.otherPlayers.map(p => (
<option key={p.player.name} value={p.player.name}>{p.player.name}</option>
<Col width="12">
<input type="text" placeholder="Cards"
onChange={e => this.tradeAsset('cards', e.target.value)} />
<Col width="12">
{player.trade.error ? (
<p><b>ERROR:</b> {player.trade.error}</p>
) : (<></>)}
{tradeProposed && player.trade.originator === player.name ? (
<Button onClick={submitTradeCancel}>Cancel trade</Button>
) : (<></>)}
{tradeProposed && player.trade.originator !== player.name ? (
<Button onClick={submitTradeAccept}>Accept trade</Button>{' '}
<Button onClick={submitTradeCancel}>Deny trade</Button>
) : (<></>)}
{!tradeProposed ? (
<Button onClick={this.propose}>Propose Trade</Button>
) : (<></>)}
class CCBY extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
@ -1012,105 +1371,32 @@ class Harvest extends React.Component {
// props: currentPos, moveTo, color
// actions: movePlayer
class Moving extends React.Component {
endPos = 0
color = ''
hurtBack = false
constructor(props) {
const to = this.props.ui.actionValue.to,
from = this.props.ui.actionValue.from;
const currentPlayer = this.props.player.name === this.props.game.currentPlayer ?
this.props.player : this.props.game.otherPlayers
.find(p => p.player.name === this.props.game.currentPlayer).player;
const currentPos = from;
this.state = { currentPos: currentPos < 0 ? currentPos + 49 : currentPos,
autoSkip: typeof props.autoSkip === 'undefined' ? false :
props.autoSkip };
this.endPos = to;
this.color = currentPlayer.color;
// only for hurt back do we go backwards
this.hurtBack = to === 2 && from === 11 ? true : false;
componentDidMount() {
// TODO combine with tick
const delta = this.state.currentPos === 48 ? -48 : this.hurtBack ? -1 : 1;
this.props.movePlayer(this.state.currentPos + delta,
this.setState(state => ({ currentPos: state.currentPos + delta}));
if (this.state.currentPos + delta !== this.endPos) {
if (this.props.timerId) {
this.props.setTimerId(setInterval(() => this.tick(), 500));
componentWillUnmount() {
if (this.props.timerId) {
// if another player skips movement
if (this.state.currentPos !== this.endPos) {
tick() {
const delta = this.state.currentPos === 48 ? -48 : this.hurtBack ? -1 : 1;
this.props.movePlayer(this.state.currentPos + delta,
this.setState(state => ({ currentPos: state.currentPos + delta}));
if (this.state.currentPos === this.endPos) {
if (this.props.timerId) { clearInterval(this.props.timerId); }
skip(preventAutoSkip) {
if (!preventAutoSkip) {
this.props.movePlayer(this.endPos, this.state.currentPos, this.color);
this.setState({ currentPos: this.endPos });
componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.state.autoSkip !== this.props.autoSkip) {
if (this.state.autoSkip === false &&
this.props.autoSkip) {
this.setState({ autoSkip: this.props.autoSkip });
render() {
let buttons;
if (this.props.player.name !== this.props.game.currentPlayer) {
buttons = (<Fragment />);
} else if (this.state.currentPos === this.endPos) {
} else if (this.props.ui.playerSpaces[this.props.player.color] === this.props.ui.actionValue.to) {
buttons = (<Button onClick={() => this.props.showNextAction()}>Continue</Button>);
} else {
buttons = (<Button onClick={() => this.skip()}>Skip</Button>);
const currentPlayer = this.props.player.name === this.props.game.currentPlayer ?
this.props.player : this.props.game.otherPlayers
.find(p => p.player.name === this.props.game.currentPlayer).player;
return (
<Col width={'12'}>
<div className='moving'>
<div className={'action clear-background'}>
<SpaceNode space={this.props.spaces[this.state.currentPos]}
<SpaceNode space={this.props.spaces[this.props.ui.playerSpaces[currentPlayer.color]]}
height={'170px'} showtitle={true} />
@ -1242,6 +1528,7 @@ class Action extends React.Component {
ui={this.props.ui} />);
buttons = (<Fragment />);
@ -1251,6 +1538,7 @@ class Action extends React.Component {
@ -1311,7 +1599,7 @@ class Board extends React.Component {
(<SpaceNode showIcons={true} space={s} key={s.key} orientation={o} />);
return (
<Row collapse='true' className='row-spaces'>
<Col width='1'>{renderSpace(this.props.spaces[0], rh, 'corner-tl')}</Col>
<Col width='10'>
@ -1705,6 +1993,7 @@ class BoardApp extends React.Component {
otherPlayersTurn={this.props.player.name !== this.props.game.currentPlayer}
showScreen={screen => this.showScreen(screen)}
ui={this.props.ui} />);
// faExchangeAlt -> trade icon, hidden for now
return (
@ -1768,8 +2057,8 @@ class BoardApp extends React.Component {
<FarmsContainer player={this.props.player}
otherPlayers={this.props.game.otherPlayers} />
<div className={this.tabClass(SCREENS.trade)}>
<TradeContainer player={this.props.player} game={this.props.game} />
<div className={this.tabClass(SCREENS.trade) + ' trade-tab'}>
<TradeContainer2 player={this.props.player} game={this.props.game} />
<div className={this.tabClass(SCREENS.misc)}>
<Misc />
@ -1792,7 +2081,8 @@ class BoardApp extends React.Component {
export default connect(
state => state.farm,
{ setMessagePanelSpace, setMPDims, nextUIAction, movePlayer, alert, alertHandled, setCardError }
{ setMessagePanelSpace, setMPDims, nextUIAction, movePlayer, alert, alertHandled,
setCardError, setMovingSkip }
class Card extends React.Component {