You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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(define *widgets* (widgets))
(define *widget-rules* (widget-rules))
(define-syntax with-widgets
(syntax-rules ()
((_ widgets* widget-rules* body ...)
(parameterize ((widgets widgets*) (widget-rules widget-rules*))
body ...))))
;; Make defining widgets less cumbersome and prevent conflicting
;; transform definitions that are hard to debug.
(define (widget name _markup _attributes)
(parameterize ((widgets *widgets*) (widget-rules *widget-rules*))
(add-widget name `((markup . `(*TOP* ,(begin (use uri-common) ,_markup)))
(attributes . ,_attributes))
(set! *widgets* (widgets))
(set! *widget-rules* (widget-rules))))
``(link (@ (href ,(string-append "/res/css/" path)) (type "text/css")
(rel "stylesheet")))
'((path "")))
``(div (@ (class ,(conc "row" (if full-width " full-width " "")
(if padding "" " collapse ")))) ,@contents)
'((full-width #f) (padding #t)))
``(div (@ (class ,(conc "column small-" width)) ,@attrs) ,@contents)
'((width 1) (attrs ())))
`(let ((class (++ "column small-" (number->string
(inexact->exact (round (/ 12 (length contents))))))))
`(div (@ (class ,(conc "row" (if full-width " full-width" ""))))
,@(map (lambda (col)
`(div (@ (class ,class)) ,col))
,(if fill-row `(div (@ (class "column end"))) "")))
'((fill-row #t) (full-width #f)))
``(div (@ (class "panel")) ,@contents)
``(div (@ (class "panel panel-small") ,@attrs) ,@contents)
'((attrs '())))
``(div (@ (class "text-center")) ,@contents)
``(div (@ (class "panel group-box"))
(h4 (@ (class "group-box-title")) ,title)
'((title "")))
``(label (input (@ (type "radio") (name ,name))) ,label)
'((name "radio1") (label "radio1")))
``(div (@ (class "spacer")) ,@contents)
``(div (@ (class "modal-overlay"))
(div (@ (class "modal-content"))
``(script (@ (language "javascript") (type "text/javascript")
(src ,(conc "/res/js/" (car contents)))))
``(include-javascript "spock-runtime-debug.js")