You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

786 lines
16 KiB

;; -*- mode:scheme -*-
(let* (;; FONTS ;;
(font-proportion-ratio (/ 3 4))
(largest-font-size 5.5) ; (REM)
;; COLORS ;;
(almost-black "#111")
(white "white")
(primary-color white)
(primary-light-color "#2ba6cb")
(inverted-primary-light-color white)
(secondary-color "#e9e9e9")
(sub-color "#888")
(sub-item-color "#999")
(inverted-primary-color almost-black)
(inverted-primary-dark-color "#eee")
(primary-dark-color almost-black)
(shadow-color "#888")
(heavy-shadow-color "#111")
(anchor-color "#ddd")
(card-background-color "#f5f5f5")
(card-border-color "#ccc")
(page-background-color "white")
(article-card-viewed-background-color "#f5f5f5")
(article-card-category-background-color white)
(article-card-category-color almost-black)
(use scss)
(define *font-sizes*
(lambda (x) (string-append (number->string x) "rem"))
(lambda (i o)
;; Round down to 3 digits after the decimal.
(cons (* (inexact->exact (round (* (car o) font-proportion-ratio 1000))) 0.001) o))
(iota 9))))
(define (font-size size)
(if (number? size)
(list-ref *font-sizes* size)
(case size
('largest (list-ref *font-sizes* 9))
('extra-large (list-ref *font-sizes* 7))
('large (list-ref *font-sizes* 6))
('medium (list-ref *font-sizes* 4))
('small (list-ref *font-sizes* 2))
('tiny (list-ref *font-sizes* 1))
('smallest (list-ref *font-sizes 0)))))
;; So SCSS can't currently handle media queries. This is a terrible
;; hack to make it work. The syntax is the same as regular SCSS for
;; the body of the media query. Also note that part of the hack is
;; adding a bogus selector and rule to the end with id
;; nil-and-nil-and-nil. You probably want to avoid using that as an
;; ID in your document. :) See usage example below.
;; ,(mq '|@media only screen and (max-width: 40rem)|
;; '(.p (font red) (font-size 10px))
;; '(a (text-decoration none)))
(define (mq query . body)
(fold (lambda (scss o)
(string-append (scss->css (cons 'css+ (list scss))) " " o))
" #nil-and-nil-and-nill { font")
"inherit }")))
((h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6)
(margin-top 0.5rem)
(margin-bottom 0.1rem))
(font-size ,(font-size 7)))
(font-size ,(font-size 6)))
(font-size ,(font-size 5)))
(font-size ,(font-size 4)))
(font-size ,(font-size 3)))
(font-size ,(font-size 2)))
(text-decoration none)
(color ,primary-light-color))
(padding 0.2rem)
(margin-bottom 1rem)
(width 100%))
(padding 0.2rem)
(margin-bottom 1rem))
(margin-right 0.3rem)
(verticle-align middle))
(width 100%))
(font-weight bold)
(cursor pointer)
(background-color ,primary-light-color)
(font-size ,(font-size 3))
(padding 0.5rem)
(border "1px solid #2284A1")
(box-shadow "0px 1px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) inset")
(color white)
(transition "background-color 300ms ease-out 0s"))
(background-color "#2284A1"))
(background-color "#ccc")
(border "0.1rem solid #999"))
(font-size ,(font-size 2))
(padding 0.2rem))
(margin-top 0.6rem)
(margin-right 0.2rem))
(background-color inherit)
(padding 0.2rem)
(margin 0.2rem)
(box-shadow 0 0 1px 1px ,sub-item-color)
(border-radius 0.2rem))
(height 1rem))
(width 1rem)
(display inline-block))
(text-align center))
(text-align center))
(font-size ,(font-size 'small))
(line-height 1.125rem)
(margin-top 0.2rem)
(margin-bottom 0.2rem))
(font-size ,(font-size 'tiny))
(line-height 0.75rem)
(margin-top 0.2rem)
(margin-bottom 0.2rem))
(overflow hidden))
(font-size ,(font-size 'small))
(line-height 1.25rem))
(display inline))
(text-decoration inherit !important)
(color inherit !important)
(font-family inherit !important)
(font-weight inherit !important)
(font-style inherit !important)
(line-height inherit !important)
(background-color inherit !important))
(position fixed))
(visibility hidden))
(border 0)
(background inherit))
(display none))
(display inline-block))
(list-style none)
(margin-left 0))
(border-top 0.1rem solid ,sub-color))
(border 0.1rem solid ,sub-color)
(border-top 0)
(padding 0.3rem)
(list-style none)
(background ,anchor-color))
(background inherit))
(cursor pointer))
(font-size ,(font-size 'small)))
(display flex)
(|-webkit-flex| flex)
(flex-direction column)
(|-webkit-flex-direction| column)
(height 610px))
(flex 1 1 auto)
(|-webkit-flex| 1 1 auto)
(display "-webkit-flex")
(display flex)
(flex-direction column)
(|-webkit-flex-direction| column)
(justify-content center)
(|-webkit-justify-content| center)
(text-shadow "0 2px rgba(62,71,76,0.4)")
(text-shadow "0 0px 5px rgba(62,71,76,0.4), 2px 2px 4px black")
(text-align center)
((// |h1,h3|)
(color white)))
(position absolute)
(top 0)
(left 0)
(right 0)
(height 610px))
(background "rgba(115, 115, 115, 0.7)"))
(background-image "url('/res/img/raster/newspaper.jpg')")
(background-position center)
(background-repeat no-repeat)
(background-size cover))
(position absolute)
(bottom 3px)
(left 3px)
(color ,anchor-color)
(font-size ,(font-size 2))
((// a)
(color ,anchor-color)))
(|.row .request-invite-row|
(margin-top 1rem)
(margin-bottom 1rem)
(border-top 0.35rem solid ,almost-black)
(border-bottom 0.35rem solid ,almost-black))
(|.row .tall|
(margin-top 7rem)
(margin-bottom 7rem))
(margin-right 0.3rem)
(color ,primary-light-color))
(display inline-block)
(margin-top 0.3rem))
(font-weight bold)
(font-family "georgia, 'times new roman', times, serif"))
(color ,sub-item-color)
(text-transform uppercase)
((// a)
(color ,sub-item-color)
(text-decoration underline)))
(color ,sub-item-color)
((// img)
(opacity 0.5)
(margin-right 0.2rem))
((// span)
(vertical-align middle))
((// a)
(color ,sub-item-color)))
(margin-top 0.2rem))
(display inline-block)
(padding 0.2rem)
(margin 0.4rem)
(margin-bottom 0.8rem)
((// img)
(width 18px)
(height 18px)))
(cursor pointer))
(margin 0.5rem)
(font-size ,(font-size 2))
((// img)
(width 18px)
(height 18px)))
(display none))
(cursor pointer)
(display inline-block)
(padding 0.2rem)
(padding-left 0.1rem))
(|.selection-checkbox + label:before|
(display inline-block)
(font "normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome")
(font-size inherit)
(text-rendering auto)
("-webkit-font-smoothing" antialiased)
("-moz-osx-font-smoothing" grayscale)
(transform "translate(0, 0)")
(content "'\\f067'"))
(|.selection-checkbox:checked + label:before|
(display inline-block)
(font "normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome")
(font-size inherit)
(text-rendering auto)
("-webkit-font-smoothing" antialiased)
("-moz-osx-font-smoothing" grayscale)
(transform "translate(0, 0)")
(content "'\\f14a'"))
((// fa-plus)
(color black))
((// fa-check-square)
(background-color black)
(color white)))
(margin-bottom 0)
(z-index 3)
(position relative))
(display none)
(background white)
(position absolute)
(z-index 3)
(margin-right 0.2rem)
(overflow-y auto))
((// li)
(list-style-type none)))
((// input)
(margin-right 0.2rem)))
(position relative)
(cursor pointer)
(color white)
(text-shadow 1px 1px ,shadow-color)
((// img)
(width 100%)
(height 150px)))
(box-shadow 0 0 4px ,almost-black)
(border 1px solid ,almost-black))
(font-weight bold)
(position absolute)
(bottom 0)
(z-index 2)
(color white)
(width "100%"))
(position absolute)
(background "rgba(115, 115, 115, 0.45)")
(top 0)
(left 0)
(width "100%")
(height "100%")
(z-index 1))
(position absolute)
(top 0)
(right 0)
(color white)
(z-index 3)
(padding 0.5rem))
(z-index 3)
(position relative))
(box-shadow 0 0 1px 1px ,sub-item-color)
(border-radius 0.2rem)
(background-color ,almost-black)
(padding 0.3rem)
(border 0px)
(font-size ,(font-size 3))
(color white))
(box-shadow 0 0 1px 1px "#999")
(border-radius 0.2rem))
(margin 0.2rem)
(display inline-block)
(background transparent))
(color ,inverted-primary-color)
(background ,primary-color))
(font-family "Georgia, serif")
(padding-bottom 0)
(margin-bottom 0)
(text-align center)
(font-size ,(font-size 'medium))
(color ,inverted-primary-color)
(font-weight bold))
,@(let ((radius '0.3rem))
`((border-top-left-radius ,radius)
(border-top-right-radius ,radius)
(margin-left 0.2rem)
(margin-top 0.55rem)
(color ,sub-color)
(cursor pointer))))
(font-weight bold)
(color ,almost-black)
(border-bottom 0.2rem solid ,almost-black))
(background ,white)
(color ,almost-black)
(border 0.1rem solid ,almost-black)
(border-bottom 0.2rem solid ,white))
(margin-top -0.05rem)
(color ,primary-dark-color)
(display none)
(border-top 0.1rem solid ,almost-black)
(border-bottom 0.2rem solid ,almost-black)
((// .fa)
(margin-right 0.4rem))
((// ul)
(list-style none)
(margin 0)
(padding 0)
((// li)
(line-height 2rem)
(border-bottom 0.15rem solid ,inverted-primary-dark-color)
(padding 0.5rem)
((// a)
(display block)
(width 100%)))))
(text-align center)
(padding 0.2rem)
(padding-top 0))
,(mq '|@media only screen and (max-width: 40rem)|
(font-size ,(font-size 'medium))
(overflow-x auto)
(white-space nowrap))
(border-bottom 0.2rem solid ,inverted-primary-color)))
,(mq '|@media only screen and (min-width: 40rem)|
(font-size 'medium))
(border-bottom 0.1rem solid ,inverted-primary-color)))
(color ,inverted-primary-color)
(display inline-block)
(padding 0.2rem)
(padding-top 0.6rem)
(padding-bottom 0.1rem))
(color ,inverted-primary-color)
(background ,primary-dark-color)
(padding 0)
(padding-top 0.4rem)
(padding-bottom 0.5rem)
(display inline-block))
(background-color ,page-background-color))
(font-weight initial)
(cursor pointer)
(padding-right 0.2rem))
(padding 0.2rem)
(padding-top 0.3rem)
(margin-top 0.55rem)
(font-size ,(font-size 'small))
(margin-right 0.5rem)
(padding-left 0.6rem)
(padding-right 0.6rem))
(padding-left 0.1rem)
(font-size ,(font-size 3))
(color ,inverted-primary-color))
(padding-top 0.2rem))
(z-index 1)
(width 100%)
(left 0))
,@(let ((spacing "0.6rem"))
`((margin-bottom ,spacing !important)
(padding-bottom ,spacing)
(border-bottom 0.1rem dotted ,almost-black))))
(background-size cover !important)
(height 4rem)
(width 5rem)
(margin-right 0.5rem))
(display flex))
(align-items center))
(opacity 0.05))
;; (.thumbnail-extra-large
;; (height 20rem)
;; (width 37rem))
;; (.thumbnail-large
;; (height 15.5rem)
;; (width 18.3rem))
;; (.thumbnail-medium
;; (height 12rem)
;; (width 14rem))
;; (.thumbnail-small
;; (height 7rem)
;; (width 8rem))
;; (.thumbnail-extra-small
;; (height 4rem)
;; (width 5rem))
(padding-left 0.2rem !important)
(padding-right 0.2rem !important))
((// .article-card-image-container)
((// .thumbnail)
(opacity 0.5)))
((// .article-card-title)
(opacity 0.5)))
(position absolute)
(top 3.2rem)
(right 1rem)
(width 10rem)
(z-index 5)
(background white)
(padding 0.4rem)
(border 0.15rem solid ,almost-black)
(border-radius 0.3rem)
(box-shadow 2px 2px 2px grey)
(display none)
((// .triangle-up)
(position absolute)
(top -1rem)
(right 0.15rem)))
(width 0)
(height 0)
(border-left 0.5rem solid transparent)
(border-right 0.5rem solid transparent)
(border-bottom 1rem solid black))
(position absolute)
(background-color ,article-card-category-background-color)
(padding 0.2rem)
(color ,article-card-category-color)
(font-weight bold)
(opacity 0.8))
(border-top 0.1rem solid ,almost-black)
(margin-top 0.6rem))
(padding 0.4rem 0 0.4rem 0)
(margin 0.6rem 0 0.6rem 0)
(border-top 0.1rem solid ,almost-black)
(border-bottom 0.1rem dashed ,sub-color)
(font-weight bold))
;; (visibility hidden)
(position fixed)
(z-index 2)
(width "100%")
(height "100%")
(opacity 0.7)
(background grey)
(display none))
(position fixed)
(width 100%)
(height 100%)
(z-index 3)
(display none))
(min-width 15rem)
(position absolute)
(height auto)
(width auto)
(left "50%")
(top "50%")
(background white)
(border 0.2rem solid ,almost-black)
(transform "translate(-50%, -50%)")
(|-webkit-transform| "translate(-50%, -50%)")
(|-moz-transform| "translate(-50%, -50%)")
(|-ms-transform| "translate(-50%, -50%)")
(padding 1rem)
(padding-top 0.1rem)
(z-index 3)
(max-height "100%")
(overflow-x scroll))
(width "100%")
(height "100%"))
(width "100%")
(color white))
(cursor pointer))
(width 100%)
(background inherit)
(border 0.1rem solid black)
(font-size ,(font-size 2))
(box-shadow 0 0 1px 1px "#999")
(border-radius 0.2rem))
(display none))
,(mq '|@media only screen and (max-width: 40rem)|
(padding-left 0.3rem)
(border-top inherit)
(border-bottom inherit)
(background-color ,almost-black)
(color ,white)))
(cursor pointer)
(margin-right 0.1rem))
(right 72px)
(left 25px))
,(mq '|@media only screen and (min-width: 40rem)|
(padding-right 0)
(padding-left 1.875rem))
(float left)
(margin-right 0.7rem)))
;; ,(mq '|@media only screen and (max-width: 64.063em)|
;; `(.thumbnail-small
;; (height 14rem)))
,(mq '|@media only screen and (max-width: 40rem)|
(width auto)
(margin 0)
(max-width none))
(padding-left 0)
(padding-right 0))
(padding-right 0)
(padding-left 0.935rem))
(padding-right 0)
(padding-right 0.935rem))
(font-size ,(font-size 'small))))