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(module news-macros
(import chicken scheme)
(use srfi-1 data-structures srfi-13)
;; The [tree] argument is a path-spec.
;; See generate-path-parameters for details.
(define-for-syntax (path-tree->symbol-paths tree symbol-prefix)
(define (_path-tree->symbol-paths tree symbol-prefix)
(map (lambda (l)
(let ((path-val (conc (eval (third tree)) (eval (third l)))))
(if (null? (cdddr l))
`(,(symbol-append symbol-prefix (second l)) ,path-val)
`(,(symbol-append symbol-prefix (second l)) ,path-val)
`(,(first l) ,(second l) ,path-val ,@(cdddr l))
(cdddr tree)))
;; Convert a flat list to a list of pairs
;; '(a b c d) => '((a b) (c d))
(define (pairize lis)
(if (null? lis)
(cons (list (car lis) (cadr lis)) (pairize (cddr lis)))))
(_path-tree->symbol-paths tree symbol-prefix))))
;; Usage:
;; (generate-path-parameters
;; (/ res "res"
;; (/ css "css))
;; values
;; path-
;; js-uri-var)
;; => (define path-res (make-parameter "/res"))
;; (define path-css (make-parameters "/res/css"))
;; (define js-uri-var
;; "var uri = {}; uri.uriRes = '/res'; uri.uriCss =
;; '/res/css';")
;; Signature:
;; (generate-path-parameters [path-spec] init-proc prefix-symbol js-var)
;; Output:
;; A set of parameters that define paths and a variable containing a
;; string defining the URIs for a javascript.
;; [path-spec]:
;; A path-spec is a hierarchical tree. The first element in a list
;; is ignored. It is for formatting only. The second element is a symbol
;; representing the name of the parameter to be generated. The third
;; element is the part of the path for that parameter. The full path
;; is built by concatenating the parent paths to the path for the
;; current item. The parent item is the first three values in the
;; root node of the child. So each path is a combination of the
;; paths generated from each anscetor's node. The third element of
;; each node is 'eval'ed.
(define-syntax generate-path-parameters
(lambda (exp r cmp)
`(,(r 'begin)
;; Prepend a dummy node [*root*] since
;; path-tree->symbol-paths expects that.
,@(let ((symbol/paths (path-tree->symbol-paths `("" *root* "" ,(cadr exp))
(cadddr exp)))
(lambda (sym)
(let ((symbols (string-split (symbol->string sym) "-")))
(fold (lambda (s o) (string-append o (string-titlecase s)))
(car symbols)
(cdr symbols))))))
(map (lambda (symbol/path)
`(,(r 'define) ,(first symbol/path)
(,(r 'make-parameter)
(,(r 'apply) ,(caddr exp) `(,,(second symbol/path))))))
`((,(r 'define)
,(fifth exp)
"var uri = {};"
(fold (lambda (symbol/path o)
(string-append o
(symbol->camelcase-string (car symbol/path))
" = '" (cadr symbol/path) "';"))