You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

820 lines
43 KiB

create table articles (
article_id bigserial primary key,
title varchar(500) not null,
author varchar(200) not null,
date timestamptz not null,
content text not null,
description text not null,
rank integer not null default 5,
guid varchar(32) unique not null,
source_id integer not null,
uri varchar(500) not null unique);
create index articles_date_idx on articles (date desc);
create index articles_author_idx on articles (author);
create index articles_rank_idx on articles (rank);
create index articles_guid_idx on articles (guid);
create index articles_source_idx on articles (source_id);
create table authors (
id serial primary key,
author_id serial unique not null,
name varchar(50) unique not null);
create index authors_author_id_idx on authors (author_id);
create index authors_name_idx on authors (name);
create table article_author (
id bigserial primary key,
article_id integer not null references articles on delete cascade,
author_id integer not null references authors on delete cascade);
create index article_author_author_id_idx on article_author (author_id);
create index article_author_article_id_idx on article_author (article_id);
create unique index article_author_author_article_idx
on article_author(author_id, article_id);
create table article_source(
id serial primary key,
source_id serial unique not null,
name varchar(50) not null,
icon_path text not null);
create index source_name_idx on article_source (name);
create index source_source_id_idx on article_source (source_id);
create table article_images (
id bigserial primary key,
image_id bigserial not null unique,
article_id integer not null references articles on delete cascade,
original_path text not null,
original_width integer not null,
original_height integer not null,
cover boolean not null default 'FALSE');
create index article_images_article_id_idx on article_images (article_id);
create table article_stats (
id bigserial primary key,
article_id integer not null unique references articles on delete cascade,
points integer not null default 0,
view_count integer not null default 0);
create index article_stats_article_id_idx on article_stats (article_id);
create index article_stats_points_idx on article_stats (points);
create index article_stats_view_count_idx on article_stats (view_count);
create table tags(
id serial primary key,
tag_id serial unique not null,
name varchar(50) not null,
rank int not null);
create index tags_name_idx on tags (name);
create index tags_id_idx on tags(tag_id);
create index tags_rank_idx on tags(rank);
-- set default tag ranks
-- TODO change to insert
update tags set rank=10 where name='nation';
update tags set rank=12 where name='local';
update tags set rank=14 where name='politics';
update tags set rank=16 where name='world';
update tags set rank=18 where name='business';
update tags set rank=20 where name='opinion';
update tags set rank=22 where name='entertainment';
update tags set rank=24 where name='sports';
update tags set rank=26 where name='technology';
update tags set rank=28 where name='science';
update tags set rank=30 where name='health';
update tags set rank=32 where name='art';
update tags set rank=34 where name='style';
update tags set rank=36 where name='food';
update tags set rank=38 where name='travel';
update tags set rank=40 where name='music';
update tags set rank=42 where name='hacker-news';
update tags set rank=42 where name='eff';
update tags set rank=44 where name='religion';
update tags set rank=46 where name='president-2016';
update tags set rank=48 where name='bernie-sanders';
update tags set rank=48 where name='hillary-clinton';
update tags set rank=48 where name='jeb-bush';
update tags set rank=48 where name='ted-cruz';
update tags set rank=48 where name='rand-paul';
update tags set rank=48 where name='donald-trump';
update tags set rank=48 where name='ben-carson';
update tags set rank=48 where name='chris-christie';
update tags set rank=48 where name='carly-fiorina';
update tags set rank=48 where name='mike-huckabee';
update tags set rank=48 where name='marco-rubio';
update tags set rank=50 where name='terrorism';
update tags set rank=50 where name='isis';
update tags set rank=50 where name='climate-change';
update tags set rank=52 where name='comics';
update tags set rank=52 where name='christian';
update tags set name='carly-fiorina' where name='carly fiorina';
update tags set name='marco-rubio' where name='marco rubio';
update tags set name='chris-christie' where name='chris christie';
update tags set name='mike-hackabee' where name='mike huckabee';
create table tag_group_names(
id bigserial primary key,
group_id serial unique not null,
group_name varchar(255) unique not null,
group_rank int not null default 500);
create unique index tag_group_names_group_id_idx on tag_group_names(group_id);
create unique index tag_group_names_group_name_idx on tag_group_names(group_name);
create table tags_groups (
id bigserial primary key,
tag_id integer not null references tags on delete cascade,
group_id integer not null references tag_group_names on delete cascade);
create index tags_groups_tag_id_idx on tags_groups(tag_id);
create index tags_groups_group_id_idx on tags_groups(group_id);
create unique index tags_groups_tag_id_group_id_idx on tags_groups(tag_id, group_id);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank) values('common', 10);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank)
values('presidential-election-2016', 20);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank) values('current-events', 30);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank) values('programming', 40);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank) values('comics', 50);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank) values('eff', 51);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank) values('default-common', 500);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank) values('default-technology', 500);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank) values('default-programming', 500);
insert into tag_group_names (group_name, group_rank) values('default-hacker-news', 500);
update tag_group_names set group_rank=10 where group_name='common';
update tag_group_names set group_rank=20
where group_name='presidential-election-2016';
update tag_group_names set group_rank=30 where group_name='current-events';
update tag_group_names set group_rank=40 where group_name='programming';
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'nation'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'local'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'business'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'opinion'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'entertainment'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'sports'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'technology'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'style'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'food'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'travel'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'religion'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'politics'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'world'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'comics'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='comics'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'eff'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='eff'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'nation'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='default-common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'politics'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='default-common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'world'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='default-common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'opinion'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='default-common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'entertainment'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='default-common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'sports'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='default-common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'lafayette-shooting'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='default-common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'iran-accord'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='default-common'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'technology'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-technology'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'hacker-news'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-technology'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'business'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-technology'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'opinion'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-technology'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'nation'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-technology'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'world'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-technology'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'technology'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-programming'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'hacker-news'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-programming'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'lisp'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-programming'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'haskell'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-programming'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'programming'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-programming'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'technology'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-hacker-news'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'hacker-news'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-hacker-news'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'opinion'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-hacker-news'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'world'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-hacker-news'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'nation'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-hacker-news'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'business'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='default-hacker-news'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'president-2016'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'scott-walker'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'mike-huckabee'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'hillary-clinton'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'ben-carson'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'jim-webb'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'marco-rubio'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'rick-perry'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'bernie-sanders'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'ted-cruz'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'carly-fiorina'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'rand-paul'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'donald-trump'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'jeb-bush'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'bobby-jindal'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names
where group_name='presidential-election-2016'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'marriage-equality'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='current-events'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'greek-crisis'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='current-events'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'isis'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='current-events'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'climate-change'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='current-events'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'tpp'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='current-events'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'lafayette-shooting'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='current-events'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'iran-accord'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='current-events'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'programming'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='programming'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'hacker-news'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='programming'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'lisp-scheme'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='programming'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'lisp'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='programming'));
insert into tags_groups (tag_id, group_id)
values ((select tag_id from tags where'haskell'),
(select group_id from tag_group_names where group_name='programming'));
create table article_tags (
id bigserial primary key,
article_id integer not null references articles on delete cascade,
tag_id integer not null references tags on delete cascade);
create index article_tags_article_id_idx on article_tags (article_id);
create index article_tags_tag_id_idx on article_tags (tag_id);
create unique index article_tags_article_id_tag_id_idx
on article_tags(article_id, tag_id);
create table user_account(
user_id bigserial primary key,
password varchar(255) not null,
salt varchar(100) not null,
email varchar(255) not null unique);
create table user_settings(
id bigserial primary key,
user_id int unique not null references user_account on delete cascade,
unviewed_only boolean not null default FALSE,
tracking boolean not null default TRUE);
create unique index user_settings_user_id_idx on user_account (user_id);
create table breaking_news_email(
id bigserial primary key,
email varchar(255) unique not null);
create index breaking_news_email_email_idx on breaking_news_email (email);
create table get_invited(
id bigserial primary key,
email varchar(255) unique not null);
create unique index get_invited_email_idx on get_invited (email);
create table session(
id bigserial primary key,
session_id varchar(40) unique not null,
expiration integer not null,
user_id int not null references user_account on delete cascade);
create index session_session_id_idx on session (session_id);
create index session_user_id_idx on session (user_id);
create table article_viewed_by_user(
id bigserial primary key,
user_id integer not null references user_account on delete cascade,
article_id integer not null references articles on delete cascade,
viewed boolean not null default TRUE);
create index article_viewed_by_user_article_id_idx
on article_viewed_by_user (article_id);
create index article_viewed_by_user_user_id_idx
on article_viewed_by_user (user_id);
create unique index article_viewed_by_user_by_article_id_idx
on article_viewed_by_user (article_id, user_id);
create table upvoted_by_user(
id bigserial primary key,
user_id integer not null references user_account on delete cascade,
article_id integer not null references articles on delete cascade);
create index upvoted_by_user_article_id_idx on upvoted_by_user (article_id);
create index upvoted_by_user_user_id_idx on upvoted_by_user (user_id);
create table tag_subscriptions(
id bigserial primary key,
user_id integer not null references user_account on delete cascade,
tag_id integer not null references tags on delete cascade,
source_id integer not null references article_source on delete cascade);
create index tag_subscriptions_user_id_idx on tag_subscriptions (user_id);
create index tag_subscriptions_tag_id_idx on tag_subscriptions (tag_id);
create unique index tag_subscriptions_user_id_tag_id_source_id_idx
on tag_subscriptions(user_id, tag_id, source_id);
create table author_subscriptions(
id bigserial primary key,
user_id integer not null references user_account on delete cascade,
author_id integer not null references authors on delete cascade);
create index author_subscriptions_user_id_idx on author_subscriptions (user_id);
create index author_subscriptions_author_id_idx on author_subscriptions (author_id);
create unique index author_subscriptions_user_id_author_id_source_id_idx
on author_subscriptions(user_id, author_id, source_id);
create table user_sources(
id bigserial primary key,
user_id integer not null references user_account on delete cascade,
source_id integer not null);
create index user_sources_user_id_idx on user_sources (user_id);
create unique index user_sources_user_id_source_id_idx
on user_sources(user_id, source_id);
create or replace function get_articles_by_popularity
(lim int, offs int, excludes int[], sources int[])
returns table(article_id bigint, title varchar, author varchar, date timestamptz,
description text, rank int, content text,
cover_image_path text, cover_image_height int,
cover_image_width int,
tags varchar[], points int, uri varchar,
source_name varchar, source_icon_path text, source_id int,
authors varchar[], author_ids int[])
as $$
return query select article_view.article_id, article_view.title,,, article_view.description,
article_view.rank, article_view.content, article_view.original_path,
article_view.original_height, article_view.original_width,
article_view.tags, article_view.points, article_view.uri,
article_view.source_name, article_view.source_icon_path,
article_view.source_id, article_view.authors, article_view.author_ids
from article_view
where article_view.article_id <> all(excludes) and
article_view.source_id = any(sources)
order by article_view.points desc, article_view.view_count desc
limit lim offset offs;
$$ language plpgsql;
-- filtered by tags
create or replace function get_articles_by_popularity
(lim int, offs int, excludes int[], tag varchar[], sources int[])
returns table(article_id bigint, title varchar, author varchar, date timestamptz,
description text, rank int, content text,
cover_image_path text, cover_image_height int,
cover_image_width int,
tags varchar[], points int, uri varchar,
source_name varchar, source_icon_path text, source_id int,
authors varchar[], author_ids int[]) as $$
return query select article_view.article_id, article_view.title,,, article_view.description,
article_view.rank, article_view.content, article_view.original_path,
article_view.original_height, article_view.original_width,
article_view.tags, article_view.points, article_view.uri,
article_view.source_name, article_view.source_icon_path,
article_view.source_id, article_view.authors, article_view.author_ids
from article_view
where article_view.tags && tag::varchar[]
and article_view.article_id <> all(excludes)
and article_view.source_id = any(sources)
order by article_view.points desc, article_view.view_count desc
limit lim offset offs;
$$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function get_tag_subscriptions_by_user_by_rank
(userid int, lim int)
returns table (article_id bigint, title varchar, author varchar,
date timestamptz,
description text, rank int, content text,
cover_image_path text, cover_image_height int,
cover_image_width int,
tags varchar[], points int, uri varchar,
source_name varchar, source_icon_path text, source_id int,
authors varchar[], author_ids int[]) as $$
return query
select article_view.article_id, article_view.title,,, article_view.description, article_view.rank,
article_view.content, article_view.original_path, article_view.original_height,
article_view.original_width, article_view.tags, article_view.points,
article_view.uri, article_view.source_name, article_view.source_icon_path,
article_view.source_id, article_view.authors, article_view.author_ids
(select t.article_id from
(select t.article_id, t.source_id, t.tags_ids, t.author_ids
from article_view as t
order by desc limit 3000) as t
join tag_subscriptions on tag_subscriptions.source_id = t.source_id
and tag_subscriptions.tag_id = any(t.tags_ids)
where tag_subscriptions.user_id=userid
select t3.article_id from
(select t3.article_id, t3.author_ids
from article_view as t3
order by desc limit 3000) as t3
join author_subscriptions
on author_subscriptions.author_id = any(t3.author_ids)
where author_subscriptions.user_id=userid) as t4
join article_view on article_view.article_id = t4.article_id
order by article_view.rank, desc limit lim;
$$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function get_tag_subscriptions_by_user
(userid int, lim int)
returns table (article_id bigint, title varchar, author varchar,
date timestamptz,
description text, rank int, content text,
cover_image_path text, cover_image_height int,
cover_image_width int,
tags varchar[], points int, uri varchar,
source_name varchar, source_icon_path text, source_id int,
authors varchar[], author_ids int[]) as $$
return query
select article_view.article_id, article_view.title,,, article_view.description, article_view.rank,
article_view.content, article_view.original_path, article_view.original_height,
article_view.original_width, article_view.tags, article_view.points,
article_view.uri, article_view.source_name, article_view.source_icon_path,
article_view.source_id, article_view.authors, article_view.author_ids
(select t.article_id from
(select t.article_id, t.source_id, t.tags_ids, t.author_ids
from article_view as t
order by desc limit 3000) as t
join tag_subscriptions on tag_subscriptions.source_id = t.source_id
and tag_subscriptions.tag_id = any(t.tags_ids)
where tag_subscriptions.user_id=userid
select t3.article_id from
(select t3.article_id, t3.author_ids
from article_view as t3
order by desc limit 3000) as t3
join author_subscriptions
on author_subscriptions.author_id = any(t3.author_ids)
where author_subscriptions.user_id=userid) as t4
join article_view on article_view.article_id = t4.article_id
order by desc limit lim;
$$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function get_tag_subscriptions_by_user_by_rank
(userid int, lim int, tag varchar)
returns table (article_id bigint, title varchar, author varchar,
date timestamptz,
description text, rank int, content text,
cover_image_path text, cover_image_height int,
cover_image_width int,
tags varchar[], points int, uri varchar,
source_name varchar, source_icon_path text, source_id int,
authors varchar[], author_ids int[]) as $$
return query
select article_view.article_id, article_view.title,,, article_view.description, article_view.rank,
article_view.content, article_view.original_path, article_view.original_height,
article_view.original_width, article_view.tags, article_view.points,
article_view.uri, article_view.source_name, article_view.source_icon_path,
article_view.source_id, article_view.authors, article_view.author_ids
(select distinct t.article_id from
(select t.article_id, t.source_id, t.tags from article_view as t
order by desc limit 1000) as t
join (select tag_subscriptions.source_id from tag_subscriptions
join tags on tags.tag_id = tag_subscriptions.tag_id
where user_id=userid and = tag)
as tids
on tids.source_id = t.source_id
where tag = any(t.tags)) as t2
join article_view on article_view.article_id = t2.article_id
order by article_view.rank, desc limit lim;
$$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function get_tag_subscriptions_by_user
(userid int, lim int, tag varchar)
returns table (article_id bigint, title varchar, author varchar,
date timestamptz,
description text, rank int, content text,
cover_image_path text, cover_image_height int,
cover_image_width int,
tags varchar[], points int, uri varchar,
source_name varchar, source_icon_path text, source_id int,
authors varchar[], author_ids int[]) as $$
return query
select article_view.article_id, article_view.title,,, article_view.description, article_view.rank,
article_view.content, article_view.original_path, article_view.original_height,
article_view.original_width, article_view.tags, article_view.points,
article_view.uri, article_view.source_name, article_view.source_icon_path,
article_view.source_id, article_view.authors, article_view.author_ids
(select distinct t.article_id from
(select t.article_id, t.source_id, t.tags from article_view as t
order by desc limit 1000) as t
join (select tag_subscriptions.source_id from tag_subscriptions
join tags on tags.tag_id = tag_subscriptions.tag_id
where user_id=userid and = tag)
as tids
on tids.source_id = t.source_id
where tag = any(t.tags)) as t2
join article_view on article_view.article_id = t2.article_id
order by desc limit lim;
$$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function get_articles_by_tags
(tag varchar[], lim int, excludes int[], sources int[])
returns table(article_id bigint, title varchar, author varchar, date timestamptz,
description text, rank int, content text,
cover_image_path text, cover_image_height int,
cover_image_width int,
tags varchar[], points int, uri varchar,
source_name varchar, source_icon_path text, source_id int,
authors varchar[], author_ids int[]) as $$
return query select
article_view.article_id, article_view.title,,, article_view.description,
article_view.rank, article_view.content, article_view.original_path,
article_view.original_height, article_view.original_width,
article_view.tags, article_view.points, article_view.uri,
article_view.source_name, article_view.source_icon_path,
article_view.source_id, article_view.authors, article_view.author_ids
from article_view
where article_view.tags && tag::varchar[]
and article_view.article_id <> all(excludes)
and article_view.source_id = any(sources)
order by desc limit lim;
$$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function get_articles_by_tags_and_rank
(tag varchar[], lim int, excludes int[], sources int[])
returns table(article_id bigint, title varchar, author varchar, date timestamptz,
description text, rank int, content text,
cover_image_path text, cover_image_height int,
cover_image_width int,
tags varchar[], points int, uri varchar,
source_name varchar, source_icon_path text, source_id int,
authors varchar[], author_ids int[]) as $$
return query select
article_view.article_id, article_view.title,,, article_view.description,
article_view.rank, article_view.content, article_view.original_path,
article_view.original_height, article_view.original_width,
article_view.tags, article_view.points, article_view.uri,
article_view.source_name, article_view.source_icon_path,
article_view.source_id, article_view.authors, article_view.author_ids
from article_view
where article_view.tags && tag::varchar[]
and article_view.source_id = any(sources)
and article_view.article_id <> all(excludes)
order by rank, desc limit lim;
$$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function get_articles_by_authors
(author_names varchar[], lim int, excludes int[])
returns table(article_id bigint, title varchar, author varchar, date timestamptz,
description text, rank int, content text,
cover_image_path text, cover_image_height int,
cover_image_width int,
tags varchar[], points int, uri varchar,
source_name varchar, source_icon_path text, source_id int,
authors varchar[], author_ids int[]) as $$
return query select article_view.article_id, article_view.title,,, article_view.description,
article_view.rank, article_view.content, article_view.original_path,
article_view.original_height, article_view.original_width,
article_view.tags, article_view.points, article_view.uri,
article_view.source_name, article_view.source_icon_path,
article_view.source_id, article_view.authors, article_view.author_ids
from article_view
where article_view.authors && author_names
and article_view.article_id <> all(excludes)
order by desc limit lim;
$$ language plpgsql;
create materialized view tags_and_sources as
select articles.source_id, article_tags.tag_id, as source_name, as tag_name,
tags.rank as tag_rank, article_source.icon_path as source_icon_path,
array_agg(distinct tags_groups.group_id) tag_groups_id,
array_agg(distinct tag_group_names.group_name) tag_groups_name
from article_tags
join articles on articles.article_id = article_tags.article_id
join article_source on article_source.source_id = articles.source_id
join tags on tags.tag_id = article_tags.tag_id
join tags_groups on tags_groups.tag_id = article_tags.tag_id
join tag_group_names on tag_group_names.group_id = tags_groups.group_id
group by articles.source_id, article_tags.tag_id,,, tags.rank, article_source.icon_path;
create index tags_and_sources_tag_id_idx on tags_and_sources(tag_id);
create index tags_and_sources_source_id_idx on tags_and_sources(source_id);
create unique index tags_and_sources_source_id_tag_id_idx
on tags_and_sources(source_id, tag_id);
create materialized view article_view as
select t.article_id, t.title,,, t.description,
t.rank, t.content, article_images.original_path,
article_images.original_width, article_images.original_height,
array_agg(distinct tags,
array_agg(distinct tags.tag_id) tags_ids,
array_agg(distinct authors,
array_agg(distinct article_author.author_id) author_ids,
t.points, t.uri, t.view_count, t.source_id, as source_name,
t.icon_path as source_icon_path
from (select
articles.article_id, articles.title,,, articles.description, articles.rank,
articles.content, articles.uri, articles.source_id,, article_source.icon_path,
article_stats.points, article_stats.view_count from articles
join article_tags on article_tags.article_id = articles.article_id
join tags on tags.tag_id = article_tags.tag_id
join article_source on article_source.source_id = articles.source_id
join article_stats on article_stats.article_id = articles.article_id
order by desc
limit 50000
) as t
left outer join article_images on t.article_id = article_images.article_id
and article_images.cover=true
join article_tags on t.article_id = article_tags.article_id
join tags on article_tags.tag_id = tags.tag_id
left outer join article_author on t.article_id = article_author.article_id
left outer join authors on authors.author_id = article_author.author_id
group by t.article_id, t.title,,, t.description, t.rank,
t.content, article_images.original_path, article_images.original_height,
t.points, t.uri, t.view_count,
t.source_id,, t.icon_path;
create unique index article_id_article_view_idx on article_view(article_id);
create index date_article_view_idx on article_view(date desc);
create index rank_article_view_idx on article_view(rank);
create index points_article_view_idx on article_view(points);
create index view_count_article_view_idx on article_view(view_count);
create index source_id_article_view_idx on article_view(source_id);
create index authors_article_view_idx on article_view using GIN(authors);
create index tags_article_view_idx on article_view using GIN(tags);
create index tags_ids_article_view_idx on article_view(tags_ids);