You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

713 lines
30 KiB

(;; ("New York Times"
;; . (rss
;; ((nation ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((world ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((business ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((sports ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((homepage ny-times-rank-primary)
;; . "")
;; ((art ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((local ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((technology ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((politics)
;; . "")
;; ((politics)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion editorials)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion op-ed)
;; . "")
;; ((world africa)
;; . "")
;; ((world americas)
;; . "")
;; ((world asia)
;; . "")
;; ((world europe)
;; . "")
;; ((world middle-east)
;; . "")
;; ((nation education)
;; . "")
;; ((business business-energy-and-environment)
;; . "")
;; ((business international-business)
;; . "")
;; ((business small-business)
;; . "")
;; ((business economy)
;; . "")
;; ((business business-deals)
;; . "")
;; ((business media advertising)
;; . "")
;; ((business money)
;; . "")
;; ((technology bits-blog)
;; . "")
;; ((technology personal-tech)
;; . "")
;; ((sports international-sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports baseball)
;; . "")
;; ((sports college-basketball)
;; . "")
;; ((sports college-football)
;; . "")
;; ((sports golf)
;; . "")
;; ((sports hockey)
;; . "")
;; ((sports pro-basketball)
;; . "")
;; ((sports pro-football)
;; . "")
;; ((sports soccer)
;; . "")
;; ((sports tennis)
;; . "")
;; ((science ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((science science-environment)
;; . "")
;; ((science science-space)
;; . "")
;; ((health ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((health health-research)
;; . "")
;; ((health fitness nutrition)
;; . "")
;; ((health health-money-and-policy)
;; . "")
;; ((health health-views)
;; . "")
;; ((art international-art)
;; . "")
;; ((art art-and-design)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment books)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment dance)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment movies)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment music)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment television)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment theater)
;; . "")
;; ((style fashion ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((style international-style)
;; . "")
;; ((style food)
;; . "")
;; ((style international-dining)
;; . "")
;; ((style home-and-garden)
;; . "")
;; ((style weddings-and-celebrations)
;; . "")
;; ((travel ny-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")))
;; ("Los Angeles Times"
;; . (rss
;; ((homepage la-times-rank-primary)
;; . "")
;; ((local la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((politics la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((nation la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((world la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((business la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((sports la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((technology la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((art la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment books)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment movies)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment music)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment television)
;; . "")
;; ((science la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((science science-now)
;; . "")
;; ((world africa)
;; . "")
;; ((world americas)
;; . "")
;; ((world asia)
;; . "")
;; ((world europe)
;; . "")
;; ((world middle-east)
;; . "")
;; ((business finance)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion editorials)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion endorsements)
;; . "")
;; ;; ((opinion op-ed)
;; ;; . "")
;; ((style la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((style fasion)
;; . "")
;; ((style food)
;; . "")
;; ((health)
;; . "")
;; ((style home-and-garden)
;; . "")
;; ((travel la-times-rank-secondary)
;; . "")))
;; ("San Francisco Chronicle"
;; . (rss
;; ((local bay-area-news)
;; . "")
;; ((local city-insider)
;; . "")
;; ((local crime)
;; . "")
;; ((nation)
;; . "")
;; ((politics)
;; . "")
;; ((business technology)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((education)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((technology)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment gaming)
;; . "")
;; ;; invalid RSS, 061515
;; ;; ((entertainment)
;; ;; . "")
;; ((entertainment)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment movies)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion op-ed)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((living)
;; . "")
;; ((living)
;; . "")
;; ((living)
;; . "")
;; ((living)
;; . "")
;; ((style home-and-garden)
;; . "")
;; ((living lgbt)
;; . "")
;; ((living)
;; . "")
;; ((living)
;; . "")
;; ((style food)
;; . "")
;; ((style)
;; . "")
;; ((style food)
;; . "")
;; ((style food wine)
;; . "")
;; ((style food wine)
;; . "")
;; ((style food wine)
;; . "")
;; ((style food wine)
;; . "")
;; ((style food)
;; . "")
;; ((style food)
;; . "")
;; ((style food)
;; . "")
;; ((style food wine)
;; . "")
;; ((comics)
;; . "")
;; ((comics)
;; . "")
;; ((comics)
;; . "")
;; ((comics)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")))
;; ("Wall Street Journal"
;; . (rss
;; ((nation wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((politics wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((world wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((world asia)
;; . "")
;; ((world europe)
;; . "")
;; ((world markets)
;; . "")
;; ((world asia)
;; . "")
;; ((world china)
;; . "")
;; ((world hong-kong)
;; . "")
;; ((world india)
;; . "")
;; ((world europe)
;; . "")
;; ((world uk)
;; . "")
;; ((world middle-east)
;; . "")
;; ((world africa)
;; . "")
;; ((local wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((local)
;; . "")
;; ((local culture)
;; . "")
;; ((local sports)
;; . "")
;; ((business wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((business)
;; . "")
;; ((business economy)
;; . "")
;; ((business health)
;; . "")
;; ((business law)
;; . "")
;; ((business management)
;; . "")
;; ((business media-and-marketing)
;; . "")
;; ((technology wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((technology)
;; . "")
;; ((market)
;; . "")
;; ((market deals)
;; . "")
;; ((market world-markets)
;; . "")
;; ((finance finance-personal)
;; . "")
;; ((finance finance-family)
;; . "")
;; ((finance finance-insurance)
;; . "")
;; ((finance finance-investing)
;; . "")
;; ((finance finance-loans-and-credit)
;; . "")
;; ((finance finance-retirement)
;; . "")
;; ((finance finance-taxes)
;; . "")
;; ((style wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((style arts entertainment)
;; . "")
;; ((style books)
;; . "")
;; ((style travel)
;; . "")
;; ((style food)
;; . "")
;; ((style)
;; . "")
;; ((style style-europe style-asia)
;; . "")
;; ((sports wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion opinion-asia)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion opinion-europe)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion style)
;; . "")
;; ((career wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((career career-trends)
;; . "")
;; ((career career-getting-ahead)
;; . "")
;; ((career career-getting-ahead)
;; . "")
;; ((career career-women)
;; . "")
;; ((career office-life)
;; . "")
;; ((career career-education)
;; . "")
;; ((small-business wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((small-business small-business-finance)
;; . "")
;; ((small-business small-business-running)
;; . "")
;; ((small-business small-business-technology)
;; . "")
;; ((small-business small-business-awareness)
;; . "")
;; ((small-business small-business-franchising)
;; . "")
;; ((homepage wsj-rank-primary)
;; . "")
;; ((market wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((business money wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion wsj-rank-secondary)
;; . "")))
;; ("Hacker News" . (hacker-news))
;; ("Lambda the Ultimate"
;; . (rss-chronological
;; ((programming programming-languages)
;; . "")))
;; ("Planet Scheme"
;; . (atom-chronological
;; ((programming lisp-scheme lisp)
;; . "")))
;; ("Planet Haskell"
;; . (atom-chronological
;; ((programming haskell)
;; . "")))
;; ;; ("Sam Altman"
;; ;; . (atom-chronological
;; ;; ((startups technology)
;; ;; . "")))
;; ("Fox News"
;; . (rss
;; ;; IMPORTANT for fox news the primary rank feed must come first
;; ;; since it contains less information than the other feeds and
;; ;; that information would be overwritten if it was imported after
;; ;; them.
;; ((homepage fox-news-rank-primary)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment)
;; . "")
;; ((health)
;; . "")
;; ((style)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((politics)
;; . "")
;; ((science)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((technology)
;; . "")
;; ((travel)
;; . "")
;; ((nation)
;; . "")
;; ((world)
;; . "")))
;; ("XKCD"
;; . (atom-chronological
;; ((comics)
;; . "")))
;; ("Christianity Today"
;; . (rss
;; ((christian)
;; . "")
;; ((christian women)
;; . "")
;; ((christian movies entertainment)
;; . "")
;; ((christian peter-chin multicultural)
;; . "")
;; ((christian family amy-julia-becker)
;; . "")
;; ((christian)
;; . "")
;; ;; It usually (always?) contains duplicates but the date is not
;; ;; included whereas the other feeds do contain the date. The feed
;; ;; importer won't overwrite dates so this ensures we have a good
;; ;; day for the articles.
;; ((homepage christian christianity-today-rank-primary)
;; . "")))
;; ("TechCrunch"
;; . (rss
;; ((technology)
;; . "")))
;; ("Engadget"
;; . (rss
;; ((technology)
;; . "")))
;; ("NPR"
;; . (rss
;; ((homepage npr-rank-primary)
;; . "")
;; ((culture style art)
;; . "")
;; ((business)
;; . "")
;; ((science)
;; . "")
;; ((opinion)
;; . "")
;; ((npr-stories)
;; . "")
;; ((politics)
;; . "")
;; ((nation)
;; . "")
;; ((world)
;; . "")
;; ((npr-all-things-considered)
;; . "")
;; ((npr-morning-edition)
;; . "")
;; ((npr-talk-of-the-nation)
;; . "")
;; ((npr-tell-me-more)
;; . "")
;; ((author author-interviews)
;; . "")
;; ((books)
;; . "")
;; ((childrens-health)
;; . "")
;; ((education)
;; . "")
;; ((economy business)
;; . "")
;; ((science science-environment environment)
;; . "")
;; ((style food)
;; . "")
;; ((games humor)
;; . "")
;; ((health health-care)
;; . "")
;; ((interviews)
;; . "")
;; ((world iraq)
;; . "")
;; ((law)
;; . "")
;; ((news-media)
;; . "")
;; ((middle-east world)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment movies)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment music)
;; . "")
;; ((entertainment style music art dance)
;; . "")
;; ((money finance)
;; . "")
;; ((politics)
;; . "")
;; ((style culture)
;; . "")
;; ((race)
;; . "")
;; ((religion)
;; . "")
;; ((science research)
;; . "")
;; ((science space)
;; . "")
;; ((sports)
;; . "")
;; ((technology)
;; . "")
;; ((style art)
;; . "")
;; ((technology)
;; . "")))
;; ("EFF"
;; . (rss-chronological
;; ((technology)
;; . "")))
;; ("Common Dreams"
;; . (rss
;; ((progressive)
;; . "")))
;; ("Raw Story"
;; . (rss
;; ((progressive)
;; . "")))
;; ("Reddit"
;; . (atom
;; ((progressive)
;; . "")))
("Think Progress"
. (rss-chronological
((economy business)
. "")
. "")
. "")
. "")
. "")
. "")
. "")
((opinion culture)
. "")))