# Foundations of High-Performance React Applications This is a book originally based on the first chapter of [High-Performance React](https://code.thomashintz.org/high-performance-react/about/), where we explore the foundations of building high-performance React applications by creating our own version of React. If you enjoy *Foundations of High-Performance React Applications* and you want to learn more practical ways to utilize the foundations and get a more detailed blue-print for creating high performance React applications, then you might want to check-out the -- currently in progress -- book it is based off of: [High-Performance React](https://code.thomashintz.org/high-performance-react/about/). ## Publishing This book will always be available to read online here, for free. [Ebooks](https://leanpub.com/foundations-high-performance-react) are available on Leanpub. You can read the book online here. ## Author Thomas Hintz, with [Thomas Hintz Consulting](https://thomashintz.org), currently resides in Walnut Creek, California and has been a web developer for two decades. Thomas has been long focused on building high-performance applications and to fully understand the performance of modern applications has built a web browser engine, web server, database engine, compilers, and an [operating system](https://3lprojct.org). ## Copyright & License All materials are © 2020 Thomas Hintz. The book and related materials in this repository are available under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).