@ -372,6 +372,12 @@
(push-message player
(conc "Could not buy " unnormalized-crop ". Not enough credit."))
((and (eq? unnormalized-crop 'cows)
(= (- (player-asset 'cows player)
(fold + 0 (map cdr (player-ridges player))))
(push-message player (conc "Could not buy " unnormalized-crop " because it would exceed maximum allowed on farm."))
(let ((assets (player-assets player)))
@ -1698,9 +1704,6 @@
;; make sure two players can't have the same name
;; bug: harvest action multiplayer doesn't flow right for other players
;; info actions should look better
;; limit to 20 cows
;; don't give extra money for extra tractors
;; you can get $50 from harvest
;; buy ifs with blank box
;; ran out of otbs
;; bug: new websocket messages should not reset IFS card selection