You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

21 lines
1002 B

(use http-client uri-common intarweb json srfi-1 srfi-18)
(define api-user (make-parameter ""))
(define api-key (make-parameter ""))
(define (rest-action url method parameters)
(vector->list (with-input-from-request
(make-request method: method uri: (uri-reference url)) parameters json-read)))
(define (send-mail #!key (subject #f) (text #f) (html #f) (from #f) (from-name #f) (to #f) (reply-to #f) (api-user (api-user)) (api-key (api-key)))
(if (and subject (or text html) from from-name to reply-to)
(rest-action "" 'POST
`((api_user . ,api-user)
(api_key . ,api-key)
(subject . ,subject)
(to . ,to)
(replyto . ,reply-to)
,(if html `(html . ,html) `(text . ,text))
(from . ,from)
(fromname . ,from-name)))
(abort "You must specify all keyword parameters!")))