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5 years ago
#!/usr/local/bin/csi -script
(import (chicken format)
(chicken io)
(chicken process-context)
(chicken sort)
(chicken string)
(clojurian syntax)
;; Parse command line arguments: [src-dir [core-module]]
;; src-dir is the root directory for the project
;; core-module is the file name of the 'main' module, whithout
;; extension
(define-values (base-dir base-package)
(let ((args (command-line-arguments)))
(cond ((null? args) (values "src" 'core))
((null? (cdr args)) (values (car args) 'core))
(else (values (car args) (string->symbol (cadr args)))))))
;; Translate a local package reference to a file path
(define (path package)
(-> (symbol->string package)
(string-split ".")
(->> (cons base-dir))
(string-intersperse "/")
(conc ".scm")))
;; Define a struct for each module-file. The brethren are other local
;; package references found within the body of a module-file.
(define node-type (make-record-type 'node '(package brethren body)))
(define make-node (record-constructor node-type '(package brethren body)))
(define node-package (record-accessor node-type 'package))
(define node-brethren (record-accessor node-type 'brethren))
(define node-body (record-accessor node-type 'body))
;; Collect brethren given a body of s-expressions. Brethren are
;; imported 'local' modules.
(define (find-brethren body)
(->> body
(filter (lambda (form)
(eqv? (car form) 'import)))
(map cdr)
(filter list?)
(filter (lambda (form)
(eqv? (car form) 'local)))
(map cadr)))
;; Collect a piece of the modules graph given a source file.
(define (collect-from source graph)
(let* ((body (with-input-from-file (path source) read-list))
(brethren (find-brethren body)))
(hash-table-set! graph source (make-node source brethren body))
(->> brethren
(remove (lambda (package)
(hash-table-exists? graph package)))
(for-each (lambda (package)
(collect-from package graph))))
;; The 'whole' graph, as required from the core-module.
(define graph (collect-from base-package (make-hash-table)))
;; Toposort said graph to define modules in logical order. This fails
;; on circular dependencies.
(define sorted-graph
(-> (hash-table-values graph)
(->> (map (lambda (node)
(cons (node-package node)
(node-brethren node)))))
(topological-sort eqv?)
;; Replace an unofficial local import into a real chicken import,
;; using the module name as a prefix (plus a forward slash).
(define (replace-local-imports body)
(define (rewrite-local-import form)
(let* ((package (cadr form))
(alias (if (>= (length form) 3)
(caddr form)
(list 'prefix package (string->symbol (conc (symbol->string alias) "/")))))
(map (lambda (form)
(if (eqv? (car form) 'import)
(map (lambda (import-form)
(if (and (list? import-form)
(eqv? (car import-form) 'local))
(rewrite-local-import import-form)
;; Build the assembled, single-file multi-module program.
(for-each (lambda (package)
(let ((node (hash-table-ref graph package)))
(write (append (list 'module package '*)
(replace-local-imports (node-body node))))
(write (list 'import
'(chicken process-context)
(list 'prefix base-package 'core/)))
(write '(apply core/-main (command-line-arguments)))