; author: Thomas Hintz
; email: t@thintz.com
; license: bsd
(module amazon-s3
(;; debugging
;; params
access-key secret-key https
;; procs
list-objects list-buckets bucket-exists? create-bucket! delete-bucket! get-object put-object! delete-object!
put-string! put-sexp! put-file! get-string get-sexp get-file
;; macros
(import scheme chicken srfi-1 extras srfi-13 data-structures ports posix)
(use base64 sha1 http-client uri-common intarweb srfi-19 hmac ssax sxpath)
; needed to make intarweb work with Amazon's screwy authorization header
(define (aws-param-subunparser params)
(sprintf "~A:~A" (alist-ref 'access-key params)
(alist-ref 'signed-secret params)))
`((aws . ,aws-param-subunparser) . ,(authorization-param-subunparsers)))
;;; params
(define (intarweb-date date) (string->time (date->string date "~a ~b ~d ~T ~Y GMT")))
(define (sig-date date) (date->string date "~a, ~d ~b ~Y ~T GMT"))
(define access-key (make-parameter ""))
(define secret-key (make-parameter ""))
(define https (make-parameter #f))
;;; helper methods
(define (assert-404 exn)
(if (string=? ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)
"Client error: 404 Not Found")
(abort exn)))
(define (make-aws-authorization verb resource #!key (date #f) (amz-headers '()) (content-md5 #f) (content-type #f))
(let* ((can-amz-headers (sort (map (lambda (header)
`(,(string-downcase (car header)) . ,(cdr header)))
(lambda (v1 v2)
(string<? (car v1) (car v2)))))
(can-string (with-output-to-string
(lambda ()
(display (string-upcase verb))
(if content-md5 (display content-md5) (display ""))
(if content-type (display content-type) (display ""))
(if date (display date) (display ""))
(display (fold (lambda (e o)
(string-append o (sprintf "~a:~a~%" (car e) (cdr e))))
(display resource))))
(hmac-sha1 (base64-encode ((hmac (secret-key) (sha1-primitive)) can-string))))
(set! *last-sig* can-string)
(values hmac-sha1 can-string)))
(define *last-sig* #f)
(define amazon-ns (make-parameter '(x . "http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/")))
(define (aws-headers bucket path verb content-type content-length)
(let ((n (current-date 0)))
(headers `((date #(,(intarweb-date n) ()))
(authorization #(aws ((access-key . ,(access-key))
(signed-secret .
(string-append "/"
(if bucket (string-append bucket "/") "")
(if path path ""))
date: (sig-date n)
content-type: content-type)))))
(content-type ,(string->symbol content-type))
(content-length ,content-length)))))
(define (aws-request bucket path verb #!key no-auth (content-type "") (content-length 0))
method: (string->symbol verb)
uri: (uri-reference (string-append "http" (if (https) "s" "") "://" (if bucket (string-append bucket ".") "")
"s3.amazonaws.com" (if path (string-append "/" path) "")))
headers: (if no-auth (headers '()) (aws-headers bucket path verb content-type content-length))))
(define (aws-xml-parser path ns)
(lambda ()
((sxpath path)
(ssax:xml->sxml (current-input-port) ns))))
(define (perform-aws-request #!key
(bucket #f)
(path #f)
(sxpath '())
(body "")
(verb "GET")
(ns '((x . "http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/")))
(no-xml #f)
(no-auth #f)
(reader-thunk read-string)
(content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
(content-length 0))
; exn
; ((condition-property-accessor 'client-error 'body) exn)
(aws-request bucket path verb no-auth: no-auth content-type: content-type content-length: content-length)
(if no-xml
(aws-xml-parser sxpath ns))))
(define (read-byte-file path . port)
(lambda ()
(let ((file (open-input-file path)))
(letrec ((read-next
(lambda ()
(let ((b (read-byte file)))
(if (eof-object? b)
(if (> (length port) 0)
(write-byte b (car port))
(write-byte b))
(close-input-port file))))
(define (write-byte-file path . port)
(lambda ()
(let ((file (open-output-file path)))
(letrec ((read-next
(lambda ()
(let ((b (if (> (length port) 0)
(read-byte (car port))
(if (eof-object? b)
(write-byte b file)
(close-output-port file))))
;;; api
(define-syntax with-bucket
(syntax-rules ()
((with-bucket bucket (func p1 ...))
(func bucket p1 ...))
((with-bucket bucket exp body ...)
(begin (with-bucket bucket exp)
(with-bucket bucket body ...)))))
(define (list-buckets)
(perform-aws-request sxpath: '(x:ListAllMyBucketsResult x:Buckets x:Bucket x:Name *text*)))
(define (bucket-exists? bucket)
(assert-404 exn)
(perform-aws-request bucket: bucket verb: "HEAD" no-xml: #t)
(define (create-bucket! bucket)
(perform-aws-request bucket: bucket verb: "PUT" no-xml: #t))
(define (delete-bucket! bucket)
(perform-aws-request bucket: bucket verb: "DELETE" no-xml: #t))
(define (list-objects bucket)
(perform-aws-request bucket: bucket sxpath: '(x:ListBucketResult x:Contents x:Key *text*)))
(define (put-object! bucket key object-thunk object-length object-type)
(perform-aws-request bucket: bucket path: key verb: "PUT" content-type: object-type body: object-thunk
content-length: object-length no-xml: #t))
(define (put-string! bucket key string)
(put-object! bucket key (lambda () (display string)) (string-length string) "text/plain"))
(define (put-sexp! bucket key sexp)
(let-values (((res request-uri response) (put-string! bucket key (->string sexp))))
(values res request-uri response)))
(define (put-file! bucket key file-path)
(put-object! bucket key (read-byte-file file-path) (file-size file-path) "binary/octet-stream"))
(define (get-object bucket key)
(perform-aws-request bucket: bucket path: key no-xml: #t))
(define (get-string bucket key)
(perform-aws-request bucket: bucket path: key no-xml: #t))
(define (get-sexp bucket key)
(let-values (((string request-uri response) (get-string bucket key)))
(values (call-with-input-string string read) request-uri response)))
(define (get-file bucket key file-path)
(perform-aws-request bucket: bucket path: key no-xml: #t reader-thunk: (write-byte-file file-path)))
(define (delete-object! bucket key)
(perform-aws-request bucket: bucket path: key no-xml: #t verb: "DELETE"))